Episode 47 of the Living Life Well Show: What hims & hers got right and how RFK, jr will help us go further
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
All right, welcome back to the Living Life Well show. So today I want to talk about the hims and hers ad that you probably saw during the Super Bowl and really kind of what they got right and what they got wrong. And Also I'm so excited for this new HHS secretary confirmation and now swearing in that's just occurred in the last couple of days because I really think they're going to take what was right.
In the hims and hers and [00:01:00] also going to correct what was wrong in the hims and hers also So let's just jump straight into it. So if you saw that super bowl ad it was pretty I don't know jarring shocking if you will as well as some of the other ads, that were during the super bowl, but The Hims and Hers ad was really pushing that obesity is not your fault that it's a system problem, and that really that they have the solution is essentially what they were saying, right?
And if you haven't seen it I recommend that you go to the to YouTube and just look it up for yourself. So you really know exactly what I'm referencing. But basically what they said in the ad was that it's not your fault that the system set up for you to fail showed several different images that they were attributing to that system failure.
And so they really got a lot of that, right? They're right. It, the system. is set up [00:02:00] for you to fail. The system is set up for you to be addicted. The system is set up for us as medical professionals to not be able to really understand root cause and root cause treatments as opposed to symptom management.
Now we are really excellent as a country within the healthcare space at helping acute conditions that are life threatening conditions such as heart attacks, strokes talking about traumatic injuries pulmonary embolus things like this. And we're really good at.
fixing those things. However, we have a whole lot of those things that occur to us, which all can occur because of these chronic conditions, these conditions like obesity that, that lead to the secondary conditions [00:03:00] of congestive heart failure to hypertension. And of course my, my passion diabetes. And when we see that the obesity is the common link what can we do to fix that? Well, obviously the food industry is such that they don't really have a lot of truth in advertising, right? Their truth in advertising is that they say this is healthy, this is low fat zero sugar. And they really take that aspect and purport it to you as this is what is healthy.
This is what is best, right? Well, it's really not. They still have promoted many fillers and other things other preservatives in it to make it shelf stable to make it more tasty to make it more addictive if you will. So it's aimed at providing a product that is going to keep you coming back. Well, over the years, those [00:04:00] products were developed in such a way that really they figured out what texture, what taste how long something needed to be in liquid when you're talking about like milk and those things to retain its firmness or crunchiness.
appetizing appeal and they modified all those things to really fit that agenda. So Mark Hyman who is a physician that, that I respect and follow, he had an interesting post recently talking about the difference between Honey Nut Cheerios years ago and Honey Nut Cheerios. today. Now there was one or two of the ingredients that again were to be a shelf stable ingredients that really weren't necessary or beneficial.
But when you look at Honey Nut Cheerios from years and years ago to the Honey Nut Cheerios that we have today, Completely different [00:05:00] much more whole foods based, much more natural, readable ingredients versus what you're seeing today within our food industry, which is a bunch of scientific names that no one even really knows what they are to the average person in the public.
And so the food industry has really hijacked that aspect of it. Well, that hijacking has perpetuated what has gone on in the medical industry. The medical industry has been really based on pharmaceuticals, based on surgeries, not based on preventative or root cause issues that could be driving the increased prevalence of disease, . In medical school, nutrition teaching is so minimal. It is really pathetic. Preventive medicine teaching is so [00:06:00] just non existent that it has been pathetic for physicians like myself. For the last, you know, 20, 30, 40 years that they really got very little about root cause issues, prevention, and or options for treatment.
Much less prescribing things like an exercise program or a diet program to a patient. Now, thankfully with places like the American College of Lifestyle Medicine the Institute for Functional Medicine and some of these other organizations, thankfully that is starting to change. Thankfully, some of this is being integrated into our residencies and primary care physician residencies and medical schools now, and that is starting to change. That is starting to develop. We aren't quite relying on the pharmaceuticals to the degree that we did when I was in medical school 20 plus years ago. We are seeing a bit [00:07:00] of a shift. However, like with all things when you're talking about a big bureaucratic machine, it has been a very slow shift.
And what you see with the hims and hers. Which is I find quite ironic because they're talking about how the system is keeping them corrupt. And they're really kind of focused a little bit more on the food industry. But they did reference maybe the pharmaceutical industry a little bit. Well, they are directly in that pharmaceutical industry.
Now, their take on it was, is that, You know, you aren't getting the access, and the cost is you know, too high and these types of issues that are absolutely prevalent within the pharmaceutical industry, and that is 100 percent accurate. However, what they are doing, and don't mistake this, is they are promoting their line of pharmaceuticals, which are, [00:08:00] in this case, the GLP 1s.
Their compounded GLP 1s is what they are promoting. Well, when we talk about pharmaceuticals, what we're really talking about is something that they want you to take Essentially for life, right? When somebody gets a new diagnosis of hypertension or, say, a diagnosis of diabetes, right? What typically happens?
A medication is prescribed. For hypertension, it may be an ACE inhibitor, something like Lisinopril, that's a now in a generic and so low cost form. But what if you don't respond to that? Well, you are put on another medication and or another medication and maybe it's a brand new medication that your insurance doesn't really cover, but now you aren't really able to get that control of your blood pressure through these other medications that you've tried.
And so now your doctor is trying to get [00:09:00] prior authorization from your insurance company to pay for that medication. Well, the physician reviewer on the other end may or may not decide to approve that medication. Well, if they don't approve that medication, then you are stuck paying that high extra out of pocket.
What HIMS and HERS is doing is they're trying to decrease that margin, if you will, for that extra out of pocket. That is somewhat of a good thing for people that really do need these medications. However, what HIMS and HERS is doing, just like Pfizer, just like, Any other of the pharmaceutical industries.
They want you dependent on the medication. Don't get it wrong. They want you on this for lifelong. They are saying, this is your savior, if you will, and this is what is going to make you, quote, healthy. We're gonna hijack your body's [00:10:00] natural response, and we are going to induce this artificial state that God never intended for you to get healthy.
to reverse your symptoms, which is obesity. That's not the underlying cause, right? The underlying cause of the obesity is the fact that our food is addictive. We're not eating real food. We don't even know what real food is or what healthy is. And we live a lifestyle that allows us to have increased cravings for food because We are constantly stimulated.
Stimulated beyond what I believe God intended us to be with visual, auditory stimulation going basically non stop essentially every day. And that keeps us in this heightened awareness of high cortisol levels, increasing blood sugar levels, increasing insulin [00:11:00] resistance, and tends to cause all these underlying issues like high blood pressure Diabetes, stroke, causes which can all result in heart attacks it can result in strokes, it can result in pulmonary emboli because we are somewhat sedentary when we tend to have obesity and have these other issues that make us feel so horrible, and then at the end of the day, in some cases, I'm It causes us to have undue falls or vertebral compression fractures at an early age or hip fractures, things that we wouldn't otherwise normally have if we did not have the obesity and other underlying issues that are going on.
In addition, the medications themselves. , alter our body's normal physiologic response,
Makes it more difficult to respond when we do have some underlying alterations that can occur because of physical activity like [00:12:00] dehydration and things like this that doesn't allow your blood pressure or heart rate to respond like it normally would, which can help to foster a fall. All of these issues, all these acute things that were really good at treating the heart attack, the strokes, the pulmonary emboli, the traumatic injuries be it just a broken bone from a fall or God forbid a horrible car accident.
We, we see that many of these are rooted in these chronic diseases that occur and can stem directly from obesity. We absolutely need to be focused on it. We absolutely need to do something about it. But the hims and hers approach is no different than what we've done for the last 50, 60 years in medicine.
It's continuing to put you on those medications, keep you addicted and taking them in this case, an injection. But. It is to keep you in [00:13:00] this perpetual state of physiologic alteration of what God intended. Well, the RFK nomination is and now confirmation and swearing in is now I think One of the biggest lights of hope that we all have now for this.
And so for those of you that may be worried about what you're hearing in the media and with regards to his potential stance on vaccines or allowing restaurants and the food and or pharmaceutical industry to allow medications that are necessary. We do absolutely need some medications and we do need some medications chronically.
I'm not saying that everyone doesn't need any medications or anything like that.
But. As a routine, we don't need that. And he is going to help remove the veil, if you will, of what is causing our society to be so [00:14:00] sick. And so I really love a couple of things that he said in his speech, right after his swearing in, he said RFK Jr. said, quote, a healthy person has 1000 dreams, a sick person has one.
to get better. So he went on to say we can't be a strong nation. If we have a weak citizenry. And I agree with this. We absolutely can't be a strong nation if we have a weak citizenry. We can't have the mental capacity to think well enough, to dream well enough, to advance well enough when we are so sick.
This is what I see with my clients every day. They, the Combination of physical health, mental health, and spiritual health is so important. And when even one of those is out of balance, [00:15:00] it's going to cause issues within the other two. And when you're talking about your spiritual health, your dreaming, your God given purpose, this is so important.
And if you feel bad. So physically and mentally you're so fatigued. Even you can't dream. You can't think of that next thing. You can't see a way to help anyone else. Sometimes can't even see how to help yourself. And so this is so very important. Any gave this example as well. He says 60 over 60 percent of our people are sick.
70. quote something percent of our Children can't even qualify for military service. So that's really staggering. I think those numbers may even be a little bit low, but when we think about that just not even being able to be well. Over half of us are sick in some regard with a chronic disease state.
That's [00:16:00] just staggering and that is not what God meant for us. That is not what God meant for you. And so I just encourage you if you are concerned about any of the issues that have been brought up, Through this confirmation process with RFK, be it his stance on vaccine, be it what he's going to do with fast food regulations and things like this, or if you're concerned about access to medications and things.
I would really encourage you to go back, listen to his podcast. He has had podcasts in the past where he's talked about the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and those things. And it's his own show. So it's going to be edited a little bit more towards what he is intending as opposed to what somebody else wanted to make him say on their individual podcast show.
And so I would recommend that you do that. And I hope this has been a beneficial. I hope this has been informative and thanks and God bless.
[00:17:00] That's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to livelifewellclinic.com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well. The preceding is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. The information contained in this show does not substitute the need for a qualified medical professional, nor is it meant to provide medical advice or services.
If you feel information presented in this show may apply to you, we recommend you seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can evaluate and treat your specific concerns.