Episode 43 of the Living Life Well Show: Living Life Well By God's Design
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
Welcome back to the Living Life Well show. I'm really excited to bring this week's podcast to you guys, because it's a new offering that I have that has been in the works for really a couple of years trying to really distill down the most important aspects of what I do every single day with regards to helping people reclaim their health, re reclaim their physical health, their mental health, and even their spiritual health.
And so I'm really [00:01:00] excited to talk a little bit. About what is coming up on the horizon in 2025 for live life. Well, specifically this ' Living Life Well By God's Design course. So if you're anything like me, we're right at the end of the year now thinking about next year 2025 and those things that we want to accomplish, those things that we see that either we don't want to accomplish.
didn't do in 2024, or we did do, and now we want to take that a little bit further. And so this living life will by God's design course, I think could help you do just that really help you embark On those aspects of the things in life that are most important to you the family, the friends, the faith, your physical health, your mental health your spiritual health, and helping really to grow you in all those areas of life.
And so I think this can be a real [00:02:00] benefit to you. So let me just tell you a little bit about this. So over the last couple of years, I've had this idea of doing this type of class an in person type class and really try to come up with the correct setting as to where to do this. Do I offer this through my current live life well setting?
How do I go about this? And so. What I've come up with is this is going to be an eight week course, an eight week class, if you will, designed to grow your physical, mental, and spiritual health. I will be leading every single class in person. Every class is going to be based on the truth of the Word of God, and even backed by modern scientific literature.
So, really the design of the class is to Teach you how you can harness these truths Apply them individually to your specific situation And really get that healing power that is there [00:03:00] that has been there for millennia And really allow you to grow physically mentally spiritually in every single area of your life And so these are principles that we will be discussing that Really, I use individually with clients every single day.
So, what you can expect to get out of attending this class would be eight weeks of in person education keys to identifying your food and potentially environmental triggers, as well as development of a a personalized diet plan, not a one size fits all, not a keto, not a paleo, not a vegetarian.
This is going to be, insert name here your personal diet plan that is going to be working best for you. You're going to get education about the nutrition, about why we recommend certain things and why we think that these things are important. In addition, it's going to be great because you're going to have group accountability.
[00:04:00] Each week we'll be meeting together in a group up to about 20 of us. I don't want this to be too big, but I also don't want it to be so small so that if you don't say anything everybody notices but then. This will be exclusive education that I have never given any place else. And it's going to be in a different format than what we've done before.
And so you're also going to come with that. There's going to be a detox. And so. My clients who have gone through and really applied all these principles that we will be discussing, you know, have achieved lots of different success stories from weight loss to simply increased energy or mental clarity removal of medications, reversal of diabetes, reversal of hypertension, reversal of active autoimmune conditions, decreased anxiety and depression, decreased pain and better digestion.
So, Anyone who goes through this course and really applies these [00:05:00] principles individually can expect to get some of these same results. And so, what I would say is, if you're listening to this and you're not in the Lubbock area, because this will be an in person class. It will be at 6. 30 PM Wednesday evenings.
It will last about an hour. Child care will be provided. This will all be at trinity church So I want you to think of this as a small group that you would be going to at your place of worship your church now, do you have to be a trinity member? To be involved in this class. No, we've actually set aside and confirm with the church that this is open to people that are members outside of Trinity be a Trinity Christian school, Trinity church either one you are welcome now.
Space is limited and it will be on a first come first serve basis. So if this is something [00:06:00] that you're interested in pursuing, then I would suggest signing up early. Now we're only advertising this about 25 days out from the start of the class. The class is going to start on January 15th. That's a Wednesday we'll run for it.
eight consecutive weeks through the first week in March. So should be prior to everybody here locally's spring break and so that it won't interfere with hopefully too much in the way of travel and vacations and those things. But we'll give you a great jumping off. point for this year.
I know most of us have goals that would include things like weight loss or energy clarity you know, reversing diabetes, getting off of medications, all these things that I've just expounded upon. So if this is something that you know would be a benefit to you. Great.
Sign up. If this is something that especially if you're not in the Lubbock area and are listening to this, say in Dallas or even [00:07:00] Seattle or other places throughout the country and you know, somebody that lives in this area, hey, please share this with them. Please let them know about this that this new offering is going to be available.
So a couple of things with this. This is a class. Anytime you take a class, you expect that you're taking a class to learn, right? Well, with learning, there has to be some individual study, right? And application. So, each week, you can expect that you're going to have about 15 to 30 minutes of Quote study and application, if you will the application will actually take place throughout the entire day, every day of the week.
So each week you will get a homework assignment, if you will. In addition, you will also get information about why we're [00:08:00] implementing the particular homework. And this will then allow you to, as you go through the week, do the homework of really seeing how your body physically, mentally, and spiritually is reacting to the homework.
And at the end of the week, you will fill out a assessment that will be shared with me. Thank you. Now. What I would like to do with these assessments is I would like to have people individually discuss their findings each week as we come back to class. We want to know what was hard, what was easy, what were the wins, what were the things that you were blown away by, the things that you were, you know, you found, Oh, wow, this was so helpful.
Or, Oh my gosh, this you know, really didn't seem to do much at all, but we really want to see what those wins are, what those things are that are moving you forward. We want to understand your discoveries so that we can [00:09:00] celebrate with you along the way, because I think celebration is so important and it's so lost many times when you're going through this process.
And so each week you can expect. that I will speak for about probably 20, 25 minutes or so we'll have about 20 minutes prior to that which we'll be going over the discoveries that people are willing to share during the week. And yes I do want you to share and then we will talk about for about another 10 minutes or so about what to expect in the.
week with regards to the homework assignments. If you will we'll have a brief education over those homework assignments, what we can expect to experience during those weeks, and then you will be given links to those homework assignments. Now, I reveal this a week at a time and part of the reason I do that is because I think it's [00:10:00] important to really concentrate on where you are in the moment, not just focusing on where you're going.
And so I think for you to get the most out of it, you need to be present. Now, what I will tell you, is, if you do have any chronic medical conditions that require you to take medications for, say, diabetes, for blood sugar control, if you are taking medications that are anti arrhythmics for, say, atrial fibrillation, for high blood pressure, for congestive heart failure for chronic kidney disease, anything like that.
I would suggest you really consult with your physician prior to signing up for something like this. I think that would be important regardless of what you're deciding to undertake, whether it be a new exercise regimen, whether it be a new diet plan. anything like [00:11:00] that, I think that's going to be important.
Obviously, if you're pregnant or nursing, , I don't necessarily think this would be the right time for you to jump into this. Now, Who I think this is great for anybody who wants to live healthier, who wants to learn, who is ready to engage in doing life differently it also works great and I mean really great when a husband and wife team do this together.
Now, that doesn't mean that. Single individuals are by any means excluded because they're not. I work with single individuals all the time and have had single individuals go through this course and do great with it. I've also had married couples where one person is doing it and the other person is you know, has the hand up, no way, I'm not doing any of that.[00:12:00]
And there's success there as well. But what I always find where you're going to have the most success is when you have somebody come alongside you. When you have that little bit of accountability. In this case, showing up to class the next week. Really discussing what kind of you've seen where you really killed it and where maybe you slacked off a little bit.
And so having that accountability piece, I think is going to be key. Having that shared experience is really important. And then what this also creates is hopefully some new friendships, some new relationships, and some little built in accountability once the class is over. And so my hope is that. All of that would be accomplished through this eight week course.
And so if this sounds like something that you're interested in I'd recommend just going to the show notes. There'll be a link here in the show [00:13:00] notes at which you can sign up for. If you're a Trinity member you will have received an. email from Trinity talking about the classes that are coming up right after the new year.
And so if any of this sounds great to you, or if you have a few more questions about it, then please email us. You can email us at admin at livelifewellclinic. com and if you want more information you will then click on that link. You can sign up. And you can email us any questions that you have and we'll be happy to get back with you.
So I'm really excited about this kickoff for 2025. It starts January 15th, 630 to 730 every Wednesday night for a total of eight weeks. So I hope I will see you there. Thanks and God bless, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
That's it for this [00:14:00] episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to livelifewellclinic.com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well. The preceding is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. The information contained in this show does not substitute the need for a qualified medical professional, nor is it meant to provide medical advice or services.
If you feel information presented in this show may apply to you, we recommend you seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can evaluate and treat your specific concerns.