Episode 40 of The Living Life Well Show: Power of Microchanges
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
All right. Welcome back to the living life. Well, show it's been about a month since our last podcast. So where the heck have I been? What, what has been going on? How come it's been so long? Well, I wanted to really talk about that. Talk about why I've kind of scaled back in the last few weeks. Because it may be something that might be beneficial for you.
So with that being said, let's jump right in. We're ending the year now. We're in November, middle of November at the time of this recording. And so we're coming up on [00:01:00] Thanksgiving and Christmas and then the new year. And so in thinking about that, one of the things that we kind of start looking at, especially when January rolls around is goals. Goals for that new year goals for things that we want to achieve in 2025 that either we didn't, or we want to push past what we already achieved in 2024. When we start thinking about those all the way into January. We can have success and we can really have success with our goals.
Any time we choose to start or lean into those. And so. That's what I want to talk about today. Where to go and really how to have success. And so I think that you need to ask yourself a few questions. So number one, have you, or are you going to reach your goals for the year, for this year for 2024?
[00:02:00] So what were those goals that you started out with? Probably in January, maybe it was March, maybe it was July but once you define those goals, have you been able to achieve those goals? Are you on course to achieve them in the timeframe that you set? So. In looking at goals that are time-bound towards the end of the year, or even if maybe it's a little bit longer timeframe.
Maybe you've given yourself till. Till March of 2025 to achieve your goals. What can you do in that remaining time to, to push you really into getting to those goals? Is what you're planning to do. Really gonna be doable. So essentially what you're asking is there anything that I need to do different that can push me on towards those goals?
So a lot of times those things, [00:03:00] especially when we're in the really busy seasons like we're getting into right now with Christmas and holidays and travel and all the extra responsibilities and events that, that come along with that. Is really leaning into what I would call micro changes or micro goals.
And so really what this begs is this really begs detail, this really begs discipline. And so we even see this kind of in. In the old Testament a little bit. We see this in Ezekiel 40 and 41 and 42. Where God is really laying out those little details that are going into the temple. They may have realized, have been an exile.
He's giving Ezekiel a new vision. For the temple and he's laying out all those little details. And so he didn't just give him a picture of the outside of the temple. He didn't just give him a picture of the inside of [00:04:00] the temple. He gave him exact measurements. He gave him exact details. And so sometimes it's looking at these smallest little details that can spur us on to really have success.
And so a little bit of inside information, I am not naturally a detail oriented person. My wife can tell you this for sure. She is definitely a detail oriented person. And so I look at big picture and sometimes I will miss the finer details sometimes by missing those finer details. I will unknowingly. Self-sabotage because I haven't looked at those fine details.
So. And that's really, what I want to talk about today is really for those big picture people or people that do get bogged down in details. Really recognizing you know, what have you done so far? This year to [00:05:00] reach your goals. So when did you reach your goal or when did you let go of, of reaching your goal? Because if you reach your goal very early one of two things. Either occurred either.
Your goal was not nearly big enough. Or you really committed and saw exponential growth because of the disciplines that you applied. Were you able to continue that throughout the rest of the year, once you got that goal or did you slip back into the old habits, the old ways was that goal sustainable?
So that's really kind of what I wanted to discuss with you today and how we can set ourselves up at the end of 2024 to go into 2025 with a good picture of what. What we need to do. Recognition, I believe is a big key that we all need for us to move ourselves. [00:06:00] To a place we haven't been before. And or maintain staying in that place. Because as we age as seasons change in life things are going to need to change with it the way we approach things or are gonna need to change the way we eat, the way we work out, the way we sleep, the way we go about work. All those things will need to change to some degree. And so that's really what I've been looking at for myself for this past month, really trying to assess a little bit about, where I've gone so far in this year Where I have left to go. When I leaned into maybe one goal too much and not enough to another maybe when I slacked off in some areas, because that did happen. And so really looking at that and taking inventory and recognizing what you've done, what were the things that [00:07:00] spurred you along and what were the things that inhibited you. And so really taking a look at this requires some self-reflection. And require some time.
And so that time right now seems like it's in short supply with everything that we've got going on. But what I will tell you is that. If you spend that time now. That time towards the end of the year, really just setting aside a few minutes each day to recognize what's going on. In your life, what things are spurring you towards those goals and what things are inhibiting you is going to play benefit.
Because many times we're thinking that, you know, we have this huge goal out there. But we don't see the little tiny self-sabotage is that occur each day. So for example, So, for me one of the things that I have had a mindset issue with is Working out [00:08:00] when tired. Working out after say I've done a shift in the ER, overnight. So natural tendency would be to say, oh my gosh, I'm too tired.
I just can't do this. And I let myself do that a lot this year. Well, that has inhibited me towards moving towards my goals. So. Creating a situation and environment so that it allows me to take that on and do that, which I know is beneficial for me, but it's hard to do in the moment I need to do so.
For example, what I needed to do was change my schedule the day after a night shift. And so when I change my schedule on a day after a night shift, that will then allow me the. The room to have success, to be able to move forward. So that could be one thing. Another thing was eating healthy at work.
That can be [00:09:00] a difficult for everybody. And so part of that is. If you are running and rushing in the morning to get out the door sometimes that just doesn't happen because you haven't spent the time preparing. So the night before prepare that food prepare for success the following day, the night before.
And so when you do that, you're going to make these minor micro changes. But it can then spur you on towards that ultimate goal of success and really hasn't cost you a lot. Generally when you are going to not move forward towards your goal. Is when you're tired and that's what I've seen in myself.
That's what I see in everyone else. And so what we need to do is really start focusing on those details, focusing on those micro [00:10:00] changes. So let's say somebody wanting to develop a new workout routine, say that the workouts have fallen off. And the last few months. And so you're wanting to really take a look at a couple of things.
One. Oh, what is the time that I have available to work out? Two. When is the time that's best for me to work out. And three, what are the most effective workouts for me? And so really spending some time assessing that really looking at okay. How do I feel when I work out at, say five 30 in the morning versus five 30 in the afternoon?
You know, how do I feel when I do a hit class versus simply walking? How do I feel? When I lift weights versus doing a spin class, So really looking at and assessing how your body [00:11:00] feels, how your mind is able to be sharper, more in tune with exactly what's going on and more effective with what you're doing on a daily basis is an important aspect of assessing how your workouts are going, because. That workout is going to keep producing that, that neurochemical cascade, those endorphins, if you will, it will help to increase that dopamine and serotonin and oxytocin all of those things that are healing.
But. If you're locked in and you really don't have any other time to work out, but in the morning, Well, what you may need to do. As you may need to change your bedtime routine, right. So it may not be a matter of just setting the alarm for how much earlier you want to get up. It may backtrack all the way to the evening, how you go about your bedtime routine, what time you are going to bed so that you can then get up, [00:12:00] feel as refreshed as possible. And then start that workout. And so you may know that now, so maybe it's not actually going to work out now, but it's starting to back in to that bedtime routine. In now in the six weeks that you have between now and new year, you can start using that morning aspect of. Really. Maybe accomplishing the other things that are on your plate.
Maybe it's doing some online shopping. At this time for Christmas gifts and those things. Maybe it is doing some household chores that otherwise. pile up on you and the evenings and cause a more issue because you have more activities after work after school those things.
So, so starting that practice now can be a very practical step. And to setting yourself up for success in January when maybe things slow down a little bit. And now you're used to for the last six weeks. Getting up at [00:13:00] this time, going to bed at that time. Now you are set up for success to pursue that morning workout with greater intensity and a greater likelihood of success because you've already started the training. Well before you're actually moving into the action.
So that would be an example of a micro change that can have big effects. Long-term so I think those two things are the things that I really wanted to encourage you in is really looking at, you know, getting that food, right. Making those changes that you can for the food, making the changes. That you can to get that workout in.
And then really seeing how those changes are affecting your mindset, affecting your sleep, affecting your relationships and really leaning into determining what those things that are most helpful and what those things that are holding you back are, and then making those micro [00:14:00] changes from there so that you can be spurred on to achieve your goal.
So, I hope this is been beneficial. I hope that this will help to spur you on for the rest of. 2024 and then into 20, 25 as well, because it doesn't take a lot, but it does take effort. It does take discipline. It does take a. Period of time to recognize and understand. What those things are and how maybe small changes can really help you accomplish that big goal. So, thanks.
And God bless.
That's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to livelifewellclinic.com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well. The [00:15:00] preceding is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. The information contained in this show does not substitute the need for a qualified medical professional, nor is it meant to provide medical advice or services.
If you feel information presented in this show may apply to you, we recommend you seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can evaluate and treat your specific concerns.