Episode 37 Part 2 of the Living Life Well Show: Essential Supplements for Optimal Health with Jimmy Fitzpatrick: Magnesium, Vitamin D, and B Vitamins
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
All right. Welcome back to the living life. Well show I'm excited today because we're back with Jimmy Fitzpatrick with part two of talking, all things supplements. I think you'll find this episode really informative and helpful because today what we're going to do is go over all the supplements that I see are most commonly needed. . So those supplements that we're going to talk about today primarily are going to be magnesium, vitamin D B complex, and we even touch on [00:01:00] multivitamins.
So. Here we go back to the living life. Well, show.
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: So we'll talk, start with magnesium. So, I would say the percentage for people that are deficient in magnesium probably is higher than 40%. I'm like, if you're, if you're breathing and living, you're probably deficient in magnesium. So that pretty much is everybody, even, even infants, even, even coming in straight from the mother.
mother's womb and just being fresh newborn babies, they're still deficient in magnesium just because we're not getting those minerals in our diet. You know, we're not getting even, even if we were to eat, you know, our grass fed and grass finished meats. If we don't know how much of those nutrients are in that piece of meat, we don't know we're, we're not getting it, you know?
So, it's, that's, that's to me, you know, what, what, why it's important whose supplement is because we're not going to get what we're getting from our food. Yes, we need to eat better and we need to eat healthier, but [00:02:00] we're still not going to get what we need. So there, that's why our supplement comes into play.
So, you always ask people, you know, when they come in and they say, I'm looking for some magnesium, I always ask them what are you trying to achieve from magnesium? Because magnesium, as we know, does probably two to three hundred different functions in the body, you know, so it depends on what we're trying to get from it would help us to help guide them in which form to get.
So we have magnesium glycinate, which is more for sleeping and nighttime muscle health. We have magnesium malate, which is more for the daytime and for blood pressure. People that have a little bit of hypertension. We have magnesium three and eight, which is good for cognitive health and focus and memory.
Then we have magnesium chloride, which is good for the heart and the cardiovascular health. We have, citrate. Oxide and aspartate, which are more for bowel health and for, you know, that kind [00:03:00] of thing. So there's a lot of different forms out there. So Again, it just depends on what we're trying to look for, you know, to what we need to take.
So, yeah.
Jon Skelton, MD: Yeah. Yeah. And so magnesium can be very difficult. And I have this conversation , not only in my practice here, but also, when I see patients in the emergency department as well, the ranges for quote, normal magnesium are about
1. 6 to 2. 5 mg/dl, but optimal functions really going to be about 2. 2 to 2. 5. And that's just, if you're checking serum, if you really want to have, look at a better total body magnesium, looking at magnesium, red blood cell magnesium is going to be a little bit better. And I always like to look at those both to really determine, where we're going with this.
And like you talk about. , really depends if you're having one problem over another, but what I can tell you is if you take a form like reacted magnesium through orthomolecular, it has several different forms to help the body [00:04:00] overall. ,
tell us a little bit about the, about vitamin D kind of. What a lot of physicians tell people about vitamin D and what you really want to look for when you're looking at vitamin D because there's D2, D3 with K2, without so talk a little bit about why you would want one form of the over the other and, and what's this whole K2 about?
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: Sure, so typical Western medicine, the doctors will just say, you know, in the spring and summertime, take one to 2000. I use a D3 and then in the fall and the winter, you can take anywhere from D3 and they just end it there. That's that's all. That's what we're told when we go to the doctor and we get our checkup and you know, hey, your D3 is a little low, Jimmy.
So here's what we would recommend for you to do. As we, you and I both know that's, that's far furthest from the truth that's out there. So there's different forms [00:05:00] of D3, like you mentioned, there's D3. Most common that you're going to find in, in a good health food supplement form is going to be the D3 and that's what we're looking for.
You want to make sure that it is a fat soluble form and not water soluble because that way it holds on into the system and we get better adsorption. Now, the whole thing with the K2 and we want it with K2 because D3 has the potential to build up in our arteries and cause plaque buildup in the arteries.
And the purpose of our D3 is for our immune system, but also for our bone density and help with that, you know, help to create and maintain healthy integrity of our bone density. And so that's what the K2 comes into play. And the K2 helps that helps drive the D3 in the places that needs to go to and not just build up in the arteries.
And so even even men need the K2 with their D3, not just women. Now, I will ask women when they come in and they're getting a [00:06:00] D3 and K2 supplement, I always ask them if they're taking a calcium supplement, because if they are, some, Good calcium products already have D3 and K2 in it. So we'll look at that to find out how much is in that product that will help us, you know, guide them on how much else to take of the D3 K2 that's separate, that's not in their calcium.
So it's really, you got to ask those questions and you got to stay in tune with the consumer to make sure you know an overall picture of their supplement regimen and what they're taking. Because you can oversupplement and it's easy to oversupplement I'm sure that I'm getting a little bit too much here and I know I'm not getting enough in other places So it's you know, it's it's one of those things. It's a constant revolving journey You know And it doesn't say the same but it's, it's making sure that you stay in tune and realize what you're taking to make sure you can get adequate amounts of what you're needing.
Jon Skelton, MD: And vitamin D3 is so important [00:07:00] for hormone formation and for gut health. And so I see a lot of deficiency , and vitamin D. Making sure that it does have the K2 so that it can participate in those , critical functions and not get stuck essentially in the cardiovascular system is going to be very important.
And so, so that's why I always, , recommend the, , K2 with D3 basically is, the particular one that I recommend puts it on the bottle. So, so let's go to the B vitamins. Like,, B12, B6, you know, B3. So, all these different, different B vitamins.
And I see lots of issues with homocysteine being elevated. We see lots of issues with triglycerides being elevated. So talk a little bit about that interplay and how to really look for a good multi B vitamin that's going to help those kinds of situations.
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: [00:08:00] First off, if it's for the cardiovascular, like what you're mentioning, the homocysteine levels and so forth, you can get the B12, the B6, and the folic acid, but there are good products out there that'll have trimethylglycine with that, specifically for the homocysteine levels. But you want to make sure that those bees are methylated. And, and to, to help people better understand what the whole word methylated, but you're like, what are you talking about methylated, Jimmy?
It's basically kind of like I, I, for a easier way to, to comprehend it, I guess, or understand it. It's kind of basically pre digested. It's broken down for us, for our body to get the maximum absorption of any nutrient that we're taking. There's, there's several steps that, that we're taking. Supplement has to go through from the time we put it into our mouth until it goes all the way through your digestive system and into your intestinal area, into your bloodstream, and then from your bloodstream into the [00:09:00] cell, that's the end of the journey is the cell, the mitochondria of the cell.
So, if we, if we're not making all those different conversions from all those many steps that we have to get to. The amount that's getting into that cell is going to be very small, if any, and in most cases that I emphasize, if any, because there are some that we just don't get any nutrient from it at all, because there's not enough to begin with when we start the journey, so there's not going to be any nutrient.
at the end of the journey. So if we can, if we can get certain supplements that are already converted or already digested or already broken down, and that helps our body with that process to where at the end of that journey, we're going to get as much as we possibly can. And, you know, that goes back to educating that consumer whenever they first start.
They're supplement journey, or as they're on their supplement journey, you know, on how to take stuff. I had a conversation with the guy [00:10:00] just yesterday, customer came in and he came in about three weeks ago and got a couple of things because his had some hypertension going on. And so, you know, we recommended a few things for him to take.
And so he goes I've been on them for about three weeks and, and my hypertension is not getting any better. And I said how are you taking them? And he goes I'm just taking four of each and four of each of them. And I'm like, okay, where are you taking all four at the same time? Excuse me. And he goes, yeah, I just take four of this one in the morning and for that one in the morning.
I said number one, that right there is your problem. That's why you're not, that's why it's not helping you because that's your body's not going to, your body can only utilize so much. from any, any supplement. And so I was like, you know, you need to take two in the morning. And two in the evening to give your body the best opportunity back that well, I mentioned that that journey from start to finish, you know, and you want to do it two times a day.
That way it stays in your system for the whole day and not just for the few [00:11:00] hours after you take it, you know, so I said, try that and report back and let's see how we're doing because A lot of times, if we don't take the correct form and we don't take it correctly, like I said before, we're just not going to get those results.
So, yeah,
Jon Skelton, MD: absolutely. Absolutely.
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: That's why, if we can take things like a methylated B vitamin or a methylated B complex, where we can take a ubiquinol form of CoQ10 versus You know, just a normal CoQ10 form, or, you know, a fat soluble versus a water soluble, or a whole food versus a non whole food, you know, that's, yes, does it cost a little bit extra?
Yeah, it does, but you're going to get a better result from that than you are the other, other way, and also, if you're guided the correct way and you take it the correct way, you're going to see even more results from it. So there's a lot of different factors there that are involved in, you know, our supplements and our supplement journey.
So, yeah,
Jon Skelton, MD: yeah, you know, [00:12:00] it's, it's interesting because, just like in traditional medicine, if somebody is on four medications or more we don't necessarily know what the interactions are going to be in part of that is because of exactly what you're talking about is the absorption , the absorption getting into the cell doing what it's supposed to do.
Okay. Thanks. It's going to be difficult to determine because sometimes one will cancel out another to a certain degree. And so you can see that even with supplements to, to a certain degree. Really delineating that timing, , with food, without food, , how close or , how long before or how long after a meal do you take something?
And really looking at those things, getting that information so that You are able to get the most out of your money that you're spending for these supplements is going to be, is going to be again very important. So, last thing I, I wanted to, to, to pick your brain about is really let's, let's talk about a multivitamin, right?
So a [00:13:00] multivitamin, is going to be very important for most people because most people are going to need, support for sure. Of, , we've already talked about the three most common, the, the magnesium, the vitamin D and the B vitamins, but there's other things like zinc and vitamin C that you mentioned and those things.
So are there a couple of product lines that, that you really recommend that, that encompass everything that we've talked about so far in a really good multivitamin?
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: Sure. And that goes to where I'll ask people. How many do you want to swallow a day? Because some multivitamins you have to take three a day.
Some multivitamins you take one a day. Some multivitamins you got to take six a day. And then I'll ask them, do you want one that's specifically for men or specifically for women? Or do you want one that has, you know, for men, for example, there's some vitamins that have some prostate support in there.
Yeah. All right. So are you taking a prostate supplement already? And if they are, [00:14:00] then that can eliminate, you know, some things. So it's again, you got to ask questions and what they're already doing to help guide them on their journey to make sure they're doing the good stuff. So New Chapter is really good.
They're one of my favorite companies because a lot of their, all of their vitamins, all of their vitamins and minerals are fermented. And so, that goes back to, you've touched on it, I've kind of touched on it, and it's your gut and your digestive system, if your digestive system is not functioning at at least 70%, okay, that's being generous, You're not going to get the absorption of anything we're doing whether that be a medication or a supplement It's going to be it's hard for your body to utilize what it needs if our guts already not working for us So a new chapter has kind of helped us in that sense because their supplements their vitamins and minerals are fermented and by being fermented [00:15:00] that gives us like a The whole food aspect of it that gives us a better absorption rate.
So that's number one. I would say New Chapter would be really good. Blue Bonnet is also another good one because they, their B vitamins are already methylated. And, and a lot of companies, if they're paying attention to the industry, they are doing that. New Chapter B vitamins are methylated. You know, so if, if, And so not all multivitamins are doing that, you know, some companies are, some companies are not.
So it again is reading that supplement fact label. You know, you've mentioned ortho molecular, theirs are the same way. Unfortunately, with ortho, you're taking four pills or you're taking six pills, you know, so it's asking those questions to the consumer, how many people are you, what other supplements are you taking and how many do you want to take a day to get that benefit you're looking for?
Yeah, and there's others out there too. I mean, I'm, [00:16:00] I'm not a, I'm not the guy that says I'm not going to recommend a multivitamin. I'm just not because I feel like, you know, you, you've got to take some of these other supplements by their self to get a better utilization out of it. And if we do that, you know, then there's no need for a multivitamin.
You know, and if we, if we're trying to do, you know, more of a whole food diet and we're trying to eat better and we're trying to eat cleaner, we're going to get some of those other minerals that maybe not that we're, we're missing. So there's no need to supplement with the multivitamins.
Jon Skelton, MD: Yeah, absolutely.
And so, so in my practice, I typically test and then, we treat to what we're seeing needs help. And so, and we look at that over time and as your diet changes, if we could get back to just necessitating the, the quantities that are going to be in [00:17:00] a multivitamin, then we'll do that.
But for most people just starting out. on a multivitamin and thinking that, Oh, it's got this great list here and that's going to be enough without testing. Unfortunately, , in my opinion, a lot of times they're kind of wasting money. But if you do want to start on a multivitamin or you do know your levels and those things looking for those things that, Jimmy has just described, I think is key.
going to be very important. So, so Jimmy, what else, anything else you think that, that people should know anything else you want to add?
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: I would like to add kind of what's going on with our store, you know, like we talked about how it has evolved just in the few years that we've been open. We're actually in the process of expanding our store.
We're fixing a double in size. In fact, construction is taking place this week as we speak. That's fixing to go start happening. I just started we're going to have, we're going to install two different saunas. In [00:18:00] our practice in our store and they're those saunas are going to have the capability of doing salt booze, infrared sauna, red light therapy and chromotherapy.
So they were going to have that going. I started last week doing biofeedback. I've got a couple appointments today for some biofeedback. And basically, biofeedback is kind of, you know, in a sense, kind of what, you're doing it at a different level than what biofeedback is, but biofeedback basically does a body scan and we plug in people's information and it's radio frequency through some headphones and it does a scan and it just It shows us where they're having some issues, whether that be in the digestive system, the cardiac system, the liver, the kidneys, the lungs, the bronchioles.
And so it just goes over all of those things. And then for each of those areas, we have a protocol sheet that we can, you know, give them options. You know, if we got some ulcers going on. You know, we got some gastritis going on. Here's a [00:19:00] few things that we could say. Hey, try these and see if you get better.
So yeah, we just started doing that. And that's been a lot of fun. And I've been in the industry for a long time, and I've been very well versed on about feedback. So I was. Got to a point where I was able to get my hands on some equipment and I was like, here we go. And so that's been a lot of fun and customers are enjoying it.
And so they're getting some good positive feedback and affirmation. I've had several that is like, you know, I've been dealing with that. So what you're telling me just, it gives me affirmation that, yeah, I've got to address that because, you know, I've, what you're telling me is true, you know, I've been suffering with some stuff.
So, That's been good. Just another level that we can help people and that's what it's all about, you know, I'm just here as a servant and I'm just here to serve people and I just want to make sure that their, their health journey is the best that it can be and they have the tools to get them there, you know, and then, and so I appreciate your partnership and working with you.
So as much as we do, because you have the same passion [00:20:00] about it and you have the same mentality as it, and you're just trying to get people on the maximum health that they can. And. You know, that's what it's all about. And I just, I'm just thankful to be able to do that.
Jon Skelton, MD: ~Yeah. That's awesome,~ Jimmy.
Thanks for coming on today. I think this is going to be a really informative and helpful for people. If there is somebody listening outside of the Lubbock area, is there a way to potentially either. Get in touch with you. Do you guys mail or by website? Sure. Yes, anything like that.
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: Yes.
So we do have Facebook and Instagram and they're both the same hub city organics and then LBK for Lubbock. You can get a hold of us as a whole of us there. We do mail stuff. I mail to a lot of customers in the outside area. You can call the store. Our phone number is area code 806 701 1990. And we're here Monday through Friday.
Friday from 10 to 6 and [00:21:00] then Saturdays. We're here from 10 to 4. So yeah, you can call the store. We'll be happy to answer any questions over the phone. If we need to mail it to you, we can do that as well. So yeah, we'll, you know, we were located on 82nd and slide. If you're in Lubbock, we're just across, I tell everybody across the street from Food King, everybody knows Food King.
I'm like, just. Cross the street. So that's the easy marker. But yeah, we're you know, so yeah, we're expanding and gets growing and we're just here to serve. I've got four employees that they're all learning and they're really doing good. And so yeah, we'll be able to help answer any questions and get you taken care of the best we can.
Jon Skelton, MD: Awesome. Thanks, Jimmy. And thanks everybody for listening and God bless.
Jimmy Fitzpatrick, Owner of Hub City Organics: Yes. Thanks, Dr. Skelton.
That's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to [00:22:00] livelifewellclinic.com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well. The preceding is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. The information contained in this show does not substitute the need for a qualified medical professional, nor is it meant to provide medical advice or services.
If you feel information presented in this show may apply to you, we recommend you seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can evaluate and treat your specific concerns.