Episode 27 of the Living Life Well Show: Taste and See
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
All right. Well, welcome back to this episode of the living life. Well show. Today, I'm excited to introduce to you. A new series that we're going to be starting, basically. It is what does the Bible say about food and how have we discovered the truth that's in the Bible through modern day science.
So I'm really excited about this because when we look through the Bible, there were lots of [00:01:00] things that they were, and weren't eating. And so we will kind of dive into that. We'll dive into. Specific foods and we'll dive into whole categories of food: plants versus animals. And we'll take a look at where our current knowledge. Is with regards to what God's word says about these different things.
So, I want. You to think of things like honey, being plant-based versus a animal or a carnivore, if you will. For a current diet. And we'll talk about. Those things from a biblical and scientific perspective. So that you can see where God's recommendations really do kind of fall in line with what we're seeing in our current understanding of creation and science.
So I'm real excited about really getting into this and, [00:02:00] and really allowing some things that I've been studying to come across to you guys to hopefully help in some small. Small way, open up, even those little tiny details that maybe we skip over in the Bible and understand that big meaning for those small mentions of, of foods and things like it was good or things that he's told us not to eat or not to do.
So. Anyways, I think it's going to be a really neat and fun as we kind of go along. If there is a specific food that you're wanting to know about. What I would ask is just then input a particular topic that you would like covered be it. Under this or something else, even you can go. To our website and click on the contact button there and then submit us an email and we'll look forward to, to reading those.
So. That's really all we're going to do this week. So, not real [00:03:00] education, just introducing the idea of it. . This will be a series that we'll be doing kind of off and on.
So, thanks. And God bless.
That's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to livelifewellclinic.com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well. The preceding is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. The information contained in this show does not substitute the need for a qualified medical professional, nor is it meant to provide medical advice or services.
If you feel information presented in this show may apply to you, we recommend you seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can [00:04:00] evaluate and treat your specific concerns.