Episode 16 of the Living Life Well Show: Finding Purpose and Healing while living with Chronic Disease
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth. Welcome back to the Living Life Well Show today's episode is going to be a little bit different. Today's episode is going to be about finding purpose, finding your purpose. While you're sick while you are walking through. That illness. Because you see. I believe that purpose leads to healing, healing leads to purpose.
The two go hand in hand. And so as we go through life, our purpose changes. [00:01:00] As well as our health. And so the more we can keep that in balance, the better off we will be.
When you're in a season of illness. Even if you know your purpose living, it can be difficult finding it can't even seem impossible. So what kind of steps can we take to really do that? To create that synergistic effect between living our purpose and leading to healing, healing, leading to purpose. Well, there's a few things that we've got to do.
First. We've got to recognize, you've got to recognize what energizes you, where you are getting your information from. And can that source be trusted? So a couple ways that I think as Christians that we really need to do, this is one we need to meditate. We need to meditate on God's word. So. What does that look like?
Am I talking about [00:02:00] just emptying your brain and sitting there and, you know, in silence and saying, you know, some sort of chant? No, absolutely not. What I'm talking about is Christian meditation much like. What David did in the Psalms. He worked out his prayers as you notice, he, a lot of times we'd come to God and be pretty angry at times pretty upset about the circumstances that were going on in his life. And, you know, what. That's okay. If you notice, as he progressed through those Psalms, the Psalms generally led to him coming back to a place of peace.
You can just see it in regards to how he is approaching the latter half of the Psalm as opposed. To the first half. So most Christians are familiar with Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. And so most of us are really familiar with that, but I encourage you to go to Psalm 22, the chapter just [00:03:00] before this. And look at and read for yourself kind of the way David goes through and lists all his fears, his concerns. His not understanding what is going on and then how he ends that.
And then he goes right into the next Psalm that we see is Psalm 23. So look at that. So as a guide for when you are meditating for when you are praying, you want to let it all out. Let it all out, even if there's no one else in your life that you can let it out too, you can let it out to God. This creates a healing process.
As you see David going through the Psalms. It led to gratitude a realization that that God was in control, that God had a plan for his life and that he was in charge and taking care of David.
That ability to process [00:04:00] through what was going on and come back to the truth of God. Shows gratitude. As we've discussed in previous episodes that gratitude really Wells up inside of you and creates a different mindset, a different space in the brain. Yes. The circumstances hadn't changed at all. Yes.
He was still in danger. Yes. Those concerns were still present. But now his mindset is different. So, if you want to change your mindset as a Christian, practicing Christian meditation through prayer and praise to God is one of the main ways that you can really change that mindset, change that narrative that's going on in your life. I'm always going to feel this way. I'm never going to get better.
It's always going to be like this. It's only going to get worse. We see these things through the Psalms all the time with David and by the end of it, You can see that there [00:05:00] is a switch that's going on. Let it all out. Let it all out to God. This will create that switch for you. This will allow you to see and know and live your purpose better. So the first thing we wanted to do is meditate on God's word.
So. Practically speaking, how do we do this? So for me, this was very hard. Have a hundred things going through my mind all the time. And so how do you practically do this? First of all, you've got to have an environment that is very quiet. You've got to have it controlled. So typically it needs to be either early in the morning, late in the day, or if there's at some point in the day where you can shut the world off and take a few minutes for yourself.
That's great. But it doesn't need to be while you are involved with any task. In my opinion. Praying at any [00:06:00] time is always going to be beneficial regardless of what you're doing. We're called to pray without ceasing. But what I'm talking about is a dedicated time each day, to where you are praying and listening and pouring your heart out in such a way so that you can hear back from the holy spirit. So typically what I'm talking about is first thing in the morning is how I like to do this. Sometimes I will read a scripture verse.
Sometimes I will use the abide app, which guides you through a meditation with a, with a scripture verse. I think this is very helpful. And. Allowing you to kind of start seeing it and seeing a rhythm as to how to hear God in your life for your, your purpose, for what he is asking you to do that. That day. So a practical way to do this.
Start with a very short [00:07:00] two minute time set your timer on your phone.
If you need to. As you are able to spend more time without interruption bombardment into your mind. You can increase that time, but start, start low. Start with two minutes. If something comes in, that's a to-do list or this is coming up. Just ignore, put it down the road. And come back to concentrating on what God is trying to tell you or what you are trying to understand about yourself from that scripture that you've just read.
This is much different than kind of Eastern meditation.
Just emptying your head, let letting every thought come in and then dismiss it. That that's, that again is not what we're talking about. We're wanting to take every thought captive. We're wanting to take those thoughts that come in and really judge that, [00:08:00] is that holy spirit ordained or is that something else that I'm doing? And that is what we are using this time for.
And we're doing it in. The attitude of prayer and praise to God, this will help you to unlock that internal God-given healing power that he is put in all of us. To help you harness that, that healing system to decrease those cortisol levels, that stress and anxiety level to help increase the dopamine level. Even potentially the oxytocin levels, especially when you're praying with someone, especially if it's your spouse or, or someone like that. So. Doing those things on a daily basis is going to lead to healing.
As we heal, we're going to be able to see and know and live our purpose more because we all have the same purpose, but [00:09:00] our giftings are different. And so how we manifest that purpose in our daily life. Is unique to us. You know, we're all here to give God glory, give God praise and to. Raise up new Christians for him to help promote his kingdom in whatever way he has gifted us. And so we're all told to serve as well.
So you can find your purpose and healing through meditation, but you can also find your purpose through serving in some small way. Now, obviously, if you are, are really sick, have a severe disease or homebound bedridden. Those things, it might be difficult. But serving doesn't mean that you necessarily have to leave your home or anything else. It might be just writing a nice handwritten note to someone. It might [00:10:00] be just expressing your thanks for how someone is caring for you or. Doing something in some small way that shows you care about that, that person.
So serving can be different in every stage of life, every stage of illness and even within different circumstances. Be it financial, be it educational, you know, the way that you serve, isn't always going to be the same. The, the purpose that you have in life is going to change incrementally as you progress through life.
And so. Being in this constant state of meditating and serving, looking for opportunity is really going to help spur you on to that deeper meaning deeper purpose, which again is all going to lead to healing. It changes the brain chemistry [00:11:00] as you are seeing and living your purpose. You are now being an active. Participant in your life.
You're not just working for a paycheck. You're not just doing this thing mindlessly, you were actually working towards a higher calling that the kingdom of God, and this will ultimately lead to healing. Now, am I suggesting that you are going to find your healing completely a through, this possibly, possibly not. Typically today, we see that God heals us in stages, right.
Especially when you're talking about chronic disease or auto immune disease or things of this nature. Part of that is because we live in this broken, confusing world. And so trying to filter everything we need. Through the lens of a broken world. That's constantly [00:12:00] changing constantly bombarding us, constantly putting new demands on us makes it very difficult. You know, God's word doesn't put new demands on us all the time.
He just asks us to believe in him, come to him and share everything with him. So. That is really how we need to approach our daily life. And as we do that, as we come more in tune with that purpose, with his leading, we will be able to determine the things that are, and aren't helping that's that recognition that holy spirit recognition that comes through a life that is being served to Christ. Now, one of the other things that I wanted to talk about here is, you know, does this mean that you're going to be a completely healed?
I, I. Am not an expert [00:13:00] on the Bible. And I don't pretend to be my understanding is that, you know, Jesus didn't heal everybody that was presented to him. The case in point is the pool, the pool of Bethsaida, where he healed one person, but there were many there that were there for the healing waters that would try to get to those healing waters. To receive their healing, but he only healed one person while he was there. We also see Paul Paul you know, the greatest probably apostle of the new Testament had what appears to be a lifelong affliction after his conversion to Christianity. That he prayed for multiple times to be taken away.
But it never was, at least it doesn't appear that it was. And so for whatever reason, God, sometimes doesn't heal us [00:14:00] completely until we're on this other side of heaven. And being okay with that being okay with knowing that healing might occur in stages that healing might occur instantly, that healing might. Not be what you are destined for on this side is something that. You will have to learn through your time with God.
And so that's why I really encourage you to start right there. Start with that. First two minute. Um, meditation start with that first Daily diving into a scripture to see. What is that personally, meaning to me. Where it says, I put your name in there. Change it so that it is personalized to you. That scripture. See how that feels.
See what what the holy spirit is telling you. Through that. [00:15:00] Personalize it so that you can then determine what. Is this voice that I'm hearing is that my voice, is it the. Holy spirit. What is it?
So. When we are looking for healing. Healing does for the most part nowadays, come in those stages, like we talked about. Sometimes God is going to direct you. Through prayer two specific things that you can do. To help improve your health to help you find and live your purpose. Sometimes he will do that through others.
And so really making sure who you're listening to, who you're following. And this is the most important part. Being in a community of like-minded people is going to be very important. Isolation. [00:16:00] Breeds illness. Isolation tends to breed. Confusion. If the only person that we're ever listening to is ourself. We can get confused pretty quickly.
So making sure that you have those right people around you to help you, whether it is a friends or family, whether it is professionals, um, that is going to be unique to your given situation. But. Making sure that you have people that believe like you is going to be important for you to achieve healing. And so seeking that out sometimes is very necessary.
Seeking that out, whether it's through your, your church or a school or, or other friends or relatives. Is going to be unique to you and, and God will provide you a way with those people around you. As long as you're seeking. And sometimes that's the [00:17:00] first thing that you need to pray for is especially if you're in a state of chronic disease or illness. You need to seek out God's guidance for who he's going to put in front of you to help you. With your healing and, and with your purpose.
So. I know this was a bit of a different kind of podcast and subject today, but I felt as though I was supposed to bring this to you. And so I hope this has been beneficial. I hope this will be useful. And again, for you to start to recognize. How to heal to find that purpose. You really need to start with that. Meditation of prayer and praise.
And then you need to move that on to serving as you're praying. And you're serving, you will see your gratitude will increase as your gratitude increases. For the people that God's placed in front of you, for the things that he's done for you for the [00:18:00] purposes he's put in you, that you are now living, you will start to see healing.
You will start to see increased mood. Decreased pain. Um, all these things can start to occur. As you move more toward living your purpose. And getting that healing that that God gives. So thanks andGod Bless.
That's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to livelifewellclinic.com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well. The preceding is for entertainment and educational purposes only. It is not meant to be used to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any condition. The information contained in this show does not substitute the [00:19:00] need for a qualified medical professional, nor is it meant to provide medical advice or services.
If you feel information presented in this show may apply to you, we recommend you seek out the help of a qualified medical professional who can evaluate and treat your specific concerns.