Episode 6 of the Living Life Well Show: Renew to Reignite your Health
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
Yeti Nano & FaceTime HD Camera-1: Hi, and welcome back to this episode of the living life. Well show. So my family and I, we really like to go to the beach. And, one of the things we do at the beach is we rent these bikes and we, rent these bikes and we've got a great bike path. And. we ride it all over. And so we have a great time doing this. but if I were to take those same beach cruisers and try and go into the mountains, It would be impossible, right? Why because I've only got one gear.
My feet are pushing on [00:01:00] the pedals. I have no ability to increase the workload or decrease the workload for myself. And so I really need those gears to help me to get to where I want to go. Because if I'm trying to ride a beach cruiser up a mountain, there is no way I'm getting there. I'm getting off and I'm going to have to push it or I'm going to stop and I'm going to go back down. Right.
So when you get in a mindset to where you're saying, I'm doing this no matter what, that can be good, but you also have to have the recognition of, is this moving me forward? Have I stalled out, do I need to switch into a different gear so that I can move myself forward to where I want to go? So it's a combination of constantly. re-evaluating recognizing where you are, where the goal is and what strategies you've implemented and how well [00:02:00] they are or aren't working.
And so this is something that you will continue to do daily, weekly, monthly. Any time you are striving to get to somewhere that you haven't been. You're going to need a combination of recognition and renewal to really reignite you, to get you going to where you want to go. You are in a constant state of trying to renew either physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, spiritually. you're growing and adding, always to your list of strategies that work and don't work.
This is a constant process. And so what I really want to talk to you about today is renewal. How to understand if something is or isn't working right. And what, renewal techniques are that we use. But first, what I'd like to do is just kind of recap, that last episode right now. So. [00:03:00] The last episode we're wanting you to recognize. Recognition is key to being able to renew.
And so what we talked about was pausing and logging, celebrating, and recognizing wins. and really understanding your personality and giftings. Now, one thing that we didn't talk about in the recognition aspect of things is really testing. Testing when it comes to your physical health is important and testing can really help highlight some things. We can actually see through testing when somebody has been under physical stress, how that has changed their hormone levels, their blood sugar levels. A lot of different things will show up through testing and through. talking with, a professional about that. So if that is something that, that you are interested in, of course you can always go to livelifewellclinic.com. and, go on there, [00:04:00] book your free discovery call and we'll be happy to see if that's something that we could help with But back to what we're talking about today. So how do you know what strategies to keep and what to let go of? And when, and. What strategies are really going to be the best for renewal.
So renewal is really just new information, right? And there's a lot of confusion about, what is best, What do I really need to do? What do I not need to do? And so I have some core tenants that I really want to share with you, about thinking about renewal. And so that first rule is a toxin removal.
So toxin removal is going to refer to lots of different things. It refers. to foods. relationships. which could include your job and needing to approach that differently and, or even change jobs. and really, distractions, what things are distracting [00:05:00] you and, and causing you problems causing you, time loss causing you, pressure, because you're not spending the time thinking about and doing the things you really need to be doing to. help yourself.
So, toxin removal is going to be big. and we'll talk more about toxins in future episodes, but for right now, this is just high level strategies to, to get you started to think about how to go about renewing your health. And then nutrition with the right supplementation, is going to be key. You know, there are tons and tons of supplements out there.
There are tons and tons of reports that say, you know, this is great. This is really good for you. This is helpful. Well, you can spend a fortune in supplements, by doing all the things that are "Good for you". So, number one, we want to do nutrition that we know is beneficial, that we can objectively see, is helping to [00:06:00] get in the nutrients that we know that you're deficient in. A lot of people are really deficient in magnesium.
So really increasing, maybe your broccoli in your diet would be a good way to do that. Now you can then go through testing and determine, Hey, is that enough? Do I really need to up the broccoli more? or am I good where I'm at? Or if I don't like broccoli and my magnesium's low, guess what? I should probably take some magnesium.
So. there are different things that you can do with nutrition. And one of the best ways that I found to do that is with an elimination diet. An elimination diet. Takes you on a specific set of eliminations to allow you to help that recognition process. You eliminate things one at a time. And you do this over the course of six weeks to two to three months, depending upon how strict and what the issues are that you're dealing [00:07:00] with. in our course, we do this over the course of about eight weeks. and then I recommend really adding foods back in one at a time, adding them back in, leaving them back in, consuming them for at least two days in a row over multiple meals. So that you can really determine, Hey, is this food really helping me?
How was my sleep? How was, my energy levels throughout the day? Did I fall asleep on the couch at five o'clock in the afternoon? Or was I ready to go and had no difficulty falling back asleep? One of the things that we like to do is really like to test. After you've gone through this process, then made those recognitions of what is best, what is helpful, what isn't, and then doing the testing and that testing can really then determine those lifestyle interventions that you have implemented, whether they've been effective. [00:08:00] enough or effective at all. and then help determine that long-term supplementation because now we can take the approach of, okay, we've made this intervention, it has, or hasn't worked and now we can supplement to that intervention. Or we can talk about other strategies and ways to, help change~ that,~ that dynamic and then movement. Movement is going to be another big, big tenant.
And so the key to movement is you enjoy it and you'll do it. You know, we offer yoga at our clinic, but it's not right for everyone. And so what we want is the movement that's going to be most beneficial to you. Now we offer yoga because we see a lot of clients with auto immune disorders. And,~ uh,~ just in general. Yoga helps on several levels.
It helps with the mindfulness aspect and also helps with developing that core strength, which is going to [00:09:00] be important for any movement that you're doing throughout life. However, there are some people that are just very, either intimidated in coming into a yoga class or just have no interest in doing it.
And that's great, but the key is. We want you moving, you know, we get this tenant from very early on, in the Bible, even, we get this from when Adam was in the garden, what was one of the first things Adam was doing? He was walking in the garden with God. Our Christian life is compared to a walk.
And so whether it is just walking for you, whether it is doing some specific exercise, maybe it's playing basketball, maybe it's dancing, maybe it is, doing yoga or lifting weights, doing a HIIT class, um, CrossFit, whatever that is we can help incorporate the movements that you [00:10:00] will need. incorporating different exercises into a movement that you like. is going to be important as well. But then mindset.
Mindset is a big key. Mindset really helps kind of control your ability to move forward or move back. And so we often have mindset landmines or blind spots. And these are those statements that we tell ourselves. The, I always, I never, I can't. I have to. we believe these statements about ourselves and we put ourselves in this negative loop. and when we get in that loop, it's hard to get out of.
And so any time you're looking to start something new, Evaluate how you think about it. How do you feel about the possibility of implementing this new thing really capture and renew those thoughts so that you can look [00:11:00] for any of those mindset landmines before you start down that path. And then finally, really accountability.
Accountability is key. Accountability, will get you up in the morning. Accountability will keep you going and will encourage you, whether that is, simply having another individual that you do workouts with. if you have a spouse or loved one in the home to. To help keep you accountable by maybe just changing up the grocery list a little bit. Accountability is what is really going to move you forward and what really allows people to accomplish their goals.
Whatever the goal may be. Accountability is key. And so. I really recommend, accountability. And, the reason we use all these tenants is because this is how you're going to reignite your health. This is how you're going to know what strategies are moving you [00:12:00] towards your goal, or whether they're not.
And so you want to take small steps, you know, you've got to crawl before you can run. sometimes we need to,~ uh,~ take small steps slowly to get there. Every time I read the tortoise and the Hare, the tortoise always wins. Right. don't ready.
Fire aim really define the target. Why is that? The target? Break down the steps it's gonna take to get there so that you can hit the target. So these are going to be keys for you to be able to determine what strategies are moving you forward or not. So I hope this has been helpful.
I hope. this is, a encouraging message for you. And I pray that you have a wonderful holiday season and thanks. And God bless
that's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go [00:13:00] to livelifewellclinic. com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well.