Episode 5 of the Living Life Well Show: The Ally of Your Health
[00:00:00] Welcome to the Living Life Well Show, the intersection of God's Word, today's science, and healthy living with common sense application, all based on the truth of the Word of God. I'm your host, Dr. Jon Skelton. Now let's get straight to the truth.
Yeti Nano & FaceTime HD Camera: Welcome to this episode of the living life we'll show today, I want to talk about the ally of your health. So if you're new to the show or haven't listened from the beginning, I recommend that you go back and listen to episodes one and two. ~ ~in those episodes, we tell a little bit about my background, but in general, what we're really talking about and more importantly, how healthcare really operates today. Why we're in the state. ~ ~that we're in as a,~ ~ country,~ ~ as well as a healthcare delivery system. So. In those [00:01:00] episodes, we discuss a lot of different things.
We discuss,~ ~ pharma. We discuss. ~ ~healthcare education, the insurance companies, and how those mixed together. And if we believe that big pharma, the medical education system and insurance are all the enemy of your health. Who is your friend or ally? How can you experience true wellness while really participating in that traditional insurance system with big pharma and the medical education system? How can you get to where you want to go with all this stacked against you? Or what can you do? Well, you can become your own ally. So there was a really good article. in December of 2020. in Psychology Today talking about. The four legs of a "allyship", and they list them out as cultural humility. ~ ~knowledge speaking up and taking action.
And really in this instance, they were talking about. [00:02:00] More for change within organizations and, and within,~ ~ people, groups, and, and those that were underrepresented, for the cultural humility aspect, We need to understand where we're at as a country from a cultural perspective. ~ ~it has been taught to us and it has been ingrained in us that,~ ~ medications and procedures. Are the only way to wellness that you really don't have control over your health, that you are at the mercy of a pill. of the procedure of, some other, type of,~ ~ device or instrument. That is going to impart healing to you that you don't have it within you.
so looking at it from that perspective, we have to understand that culturally, if we decide to do something different, [00:03:00] We are going to be going against the norm and there aren't going to be as many allies as we would like, because we're going to be dissecting down from that general thought. Down to a small group who do believe similarly that we can control our own destinies with our health for the most part.
So that would be a one thing that you would want to recognize straight off the bat. Two is knowledge, you need to get knowledge, but where and how can you obtain knowledge? we talked about how even the, um, current, research. ~ ~literature is even difficult to really ascertain what truth is.
The funding is blinded to you for the most part. And it's very difficult to really kind of get to what truth is. And then speaking up, so asking questions for yourself. ~ ~talking, with your physician. who [00:04:00] may be in that traditional mindset and their traditional healthcare delivery. maybe difficult to get the answers that you want, and they may even be ill equipped to give you the answers that you need. And then taking action.
Well, what action do you take? There's so many things that you could potentially do. I read so many things that, you know, this is good. That's good. This is bad. That's bad. There's so many diets, so many exercise programs. What can you do? What needs to be done? Learning to be an ally of your health is what this podcast is really all about.
And so the first thing. That I want you to do is I want you to recognize, well, how are you going to recognize what am I talking about? First thing you got to do. You've got a pause. You've got to be able to discern what it is that [00:05:00] is even going on with you. You've got to bring some sort of correlation between what you're doing and how you're feeling. You've got to stop and rest that's one of the tenants that God placed on this earth is a time of rest, but most of us don't ever turn off.
We're always going, always doing, always producing. And so when we're in that constant state that never allows time for original thought for the most part or. Realization or recognition as to what may be the underlying issues that are leading to our current set of symptoms. So number one to recognize you've got to pause.
Number two is you've got a log cause pausing in and of itself. Doesn't always lead you to any answers. Logging is [00:06:00] going to be very, very important. Logging is going to allow you to bring correlations between what you're doing and the root symptoms that you're feeling. And so this can be done by carrying around a notebook with you.
I prefer just to use, the notes app on my phone. but really you can do whatever it is that, that you need to, to help you best. One way that I like to think of logging is at the end of each day and the beginning of each day. Kind of go through. What was done during that day? How you felt. During that day.
So from the day before, how is that impacting you today? From the night before. What did you do before you went to bed? Was that sleep the best sleep you've had in a long time? Or was it really horrible? [00:07:00] Could it have just been those first few hours prior to going to the bed or was it. Something that, you know, you did earlier in the day, or maybe earlier in the week, even that caused this. And so keeping a little bit of a log,~ ~ And it doesn't have to be real extensive.
but you do want to look at things like activity. Food relationships and timing of, the things that you're doing. to determine really what is most beneficial. So you can correlate that on the days that are bad. And on the days that are good. And what we miss many times is we're really looking for those negative consequences. And we miss the positive outcomes. When we fail to log and really look back.
So logging is going to be a, big benefit to you. To help you determine what you can do in your individual, [00:08:00] daily routine to. Maximize how you're feeling, how you're living, how to get the most benefit. And then really you want to look at your giftings. What are your giftings? Are you leaning into those?
Are you not leaning into those? And speaking about stress in that dopamine release and serotonin release, that neurochemical release, the more we lean into our giftings and our sweet spot, the more we create room in our life for that, the better we're going to feel the faster we're going to heal. And so if you aren't lining up with your giftings or aren't operating in your giftings at all, Then that is going to limit your health.
And so you really want to recognize what those giftings are. You really want to understand your personality. What things energize you, what things [00:09:00] really drain you, you want to maximize the things that are beneficial and minimize the things that aren't. And then finally you want to recognize wins. You want to see wins in your every day.
So one of the big keys for recognition. Is realizing what a win is. And sometimes it's redefining that. It may not be reaching the ultimate goal, but it may be making progress, be it ever so slow towards that goal. So if I have a goal to lose, say 25 pounds, and I have a timeframe in which I want to do that, but I've only lost. Two pounds and half that timeframe is gone. I've still lost two pounds. Yes, I'm not towards where I want to be, where the ultimate goal is. But there's still time left. I still [00:10:00] have ability to, make more progress towards my goal. So you've really got to look at wins differently and not get hung up on the numbers or the rate at which they are occurring.
But you want to see that progress moving forward. All of this is going to lead to you. Being able to determine what lifestyle interventions are going to be most positive for your health. So I hope that this has, been a little bit of a guide for you to help you see where you can start, what you can do.
You really want to pause. You want to log, you want to lean into your giftings and personality and celebrate those wins. Look for the wins. That's going to be really important. You want to become your own ally and your own [00:11:00] advocate. And I really, pray that you will be able to get the information you need and get someone to come alongside you and help move you towards where your health can go.
Thanks, and God bless.
That's it for this episode of the Living Life Well Show. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more, or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to livelifewellclinic. com. Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying, go out and live the truth so you can live life well.