Living Life Well Episode 1
Welcome to the Living Life Well Show the intersection of God's Word, today's science and healthy living with common sense application all base on the truth of the Word of God. i'm your host Dr Jon Skelton now let's get straight to the truth
Hi, I'm Jon Skelton and welcome to the Living Life Well Show. So truth, right. It's kind of a, a buzzword nowadays and it is very. Difficult to see the truth. At least in my opinion. So why is that? Why is there so much confusion now going on? Well, quite honestly, uh, there is deception in dark forces. Uh, within the world that are keeping us from the [00:01:00] truth, the truth for our health, the truth for what is best for us. So let me give you an example of that. So when I was in college, I decided to play a joke on a, on a buddy of mine, how it started is myself and my roommate, along with a couple of other friends. Went to this guy's dorm room and decided, Hey, he's got a water balloon launcher. We've got water balloons, nothing else going on, let's go for it. So, what we did is we launched these water balloons across the busiest street. Right next to the university. Actually it was called university avenue. We launched the water balloons, probably a hundred yards or so into a tree that was right above a door going into Subway. So as people would walk by. They were hearing this boom into the tree and then water was raining down on them as they entered and exited [00:02:00] subway. When we did this for a while, we got some great laughs had some fun. But then all of a sudden we saw a cop pull up next to the subway. Well, of course we immediately decided okay. Time to stop shooting the water balloons. So we sat there for a few minutes, kind of peaked out. Then all of a sudden we see two cop cars come racing up to our dorm room and with lights and sirens, and then we hear them storming into the dorm. We looked at each other. Didn't really know what to do. So we just kind of sat there. And then of course we inevitably hear the boom, boom, boom, Police open up!. And so we opened the door that the cops come in and, uh, talk to us. Of course, we've, uh, tried to hide, uh, the water balloon launcher. We actually put it under. The mattress. Uh, in his dorm room. And then I was sitting on a cooler of probably a [00:03:00] hundred water balloons, uh, that we had pre-filled for our assault. Well, needless to say, as we're in the dorm room and the cops are about to leave. One of them happens to look down into the waste basket. They see the wrapper and, uh, contents of water balloons that had been burst already. So he immediately starts reading us all our rights. Well, needless to say, thankfully, we did not get arrested, but we did make the news. We, we made the university paper, uh, as it stated that four students had been, uh, caught shooting water balloons from their dorm room and are being referred to the Dean. Well, ultimately nothing ended up coming of it. Other than that, however, my friends and I thought it would be funny to [00:04:00] play a joke. On the guy whose dorm room. It was. So one of my friends worked in the mail system for our dorm, basically putting in the letters and communications that came from home or wherever else,. Well, this was under the auspice of, uh, housing and dining. He had some access to some letterhead. And so we devised a letter telling our friend that he was evicted from the dorm and subsequently under review for further. Eviction from the university. Well, needless to say, we thought this was going to be hilarious. It was on letterhead. He would get it and, and freak out. We thought, oh, this is going to be fabulous. So we sent this, uh, to him.
Well, we didn't expect what was going to happen. He immediately took that letter [00:05:00] immediately called his parents and started packing. He was going to move back home, which was about four or 500 miles away because of this letter that we sent. Well, why is that? It looked like the truth, right? There were all these things that were lining up that looked like. This should be accurate. He had no reason to really question it. The police had come, they had read us our rights. They had informed us there would be consequences. And needless to say, they even put it in the paper that there were going to be consequences. Well, it was very difficult for him to be able to discern the truth. And by our craftiness by design. That's the way we wanted it to appear. Now we didn't realize the downstream effect that it was going to have. He was needless to say. Pretty angry with us for a few weeks [00:06:00] after he found out about this joke, thankfully, it was only a matter of a few hours. He hadn't left town. He didn't get kicked out. Nothing else happened. And we had a great rest of our freshman year together, but. Needless to say there was a few hours there of serious angst and just in turmoil going on in his mind. And, and even with his parents, unfortunately. Uh, so we created an illusion of truth. Well, it's that illusion of truth. Why I'm here today. Speaking with you. It's that illusion of truth that has you sick and confused. It's that illusion of truth that makes it difficult to know what to do, what not to do. And that's what we're going to discuss on this show. Because I believe there is one [00:07:00] truth. There is not my truth, your truth, her truth, his truth. It is one truth. One God, given truth. And thankfully, even now, for people that are skeptics of the Bible, we can see that through science it is being backed. Up. The narrative that surrounds healthcare today. Is one that wants to keep you dependent. One that wants to keep you in the system, so to speak. One that doesn't want you to take control of your health. Well, this show is
about you flipping that narrative. This show is about you taking control of your health, taking back your God, given ability to heal yourself. This show will allow you to see and understand how to apply today's principles [00:08:00] and research that have been backed by biblical standards in our modern era.
On this show, we will discuss things like foods and diet fads, as well as supplements and the lifestyle interventions that may or may not be so helpful. We will filter all of those through God's word and show scientific research that we can relatively well depend on. As being accurate. We'll go through how we get to that accuracy as well. We will give you links as to where to go and look at these things. So, if this is appealing to you, this is the show for you. We also give real world examples of people who are healing themselves through the same techniques. That we will be promoting here on this show. [00:09:00] If this is something that you're interested in, I look forward to you coming back and listening to further episodes where we will get into the truth.
That's it for this episode of The Living Life Well podcast. If you like what you've heard and want to learn more or want to know how to put this into practice for yourself, go to live life well Until next time, this is Dr. Jon Skelton saying go out and live the truth so you can live life well